
Despite the humble origin of its activity, CECOM today represents an Italian excellence in high precision solutions.
A large amount of the turnover is given by research institutes that find in this company the care and the sensitivity with respect to crucial aspects of their projects.
It is not a rare event that a collaboration between institutes and CECOM leads to the creation of a new product, after the design and testing of a prototype, for giving an answer to the needs that dynamically change in the research field.
CECOM binds together the experience of half a century of mechanical nature to the ambition of accepting new challenges, such as machining of new materials, tight tolerances or new standards.
One of the strong points of this company is the transverse communication of knowledge.
Indeed, often CECOM proposes alternative solutions to the requests of the customer taking advantage from technologies well-known in other fields, by slightly modify their principles or basically proposing them.
An example of this process can be found in the galvanic department, born 10 years ago as copper plating for cooling channels in nuclear fusion applications, and that today counts several galvanic tubs with the new Nickel-deposition technology employed for aerospace and aviation.
The quality system of the company tracks all the specifications received from customers and provides to its classification and registration, for extending the know-how.
The R&D department is also called for testing new technologies before CECOM can provide a quotation for special components, as well as translating into operative instructions the processes studied and optimized at the end of the research projects approved by the general direction.