Evolution of the cyclotrons, the synchrotrons are based on a physical background which is quite straightforward; electrically charged particles are kept on a circular trajectory by means of very strong magnetic fields. Particles interact with magnetic field because of the Lorentz force, and the name of these machines comes from the need to synchronize the raise of magnetic field with particles kinetic energy. This step forward allowed the construction of far larger facilities. The largest in the world, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, is considered one of the milestones of human evolution, and allows physicists to study the collisions between beam of protons at 6.5 TeV per beam, traveling almost at the speed of light.
Nuclear fusion
Nowadays, nuclear energy represents one of the most promising sources for near future. The well-known limits of the fission technology pushed researchers to study the same process that takes place in the core of the Sun and other stars, where thanks to the very high pressure, "just" 15 millions °C is sufficient to ignite self-sustained fusion reactions. On Earth, physicists realize this process in Tokamaks (Russian acronym for Toroidal Chamber with Magnetic Coils) where the temperature is raised up to hundreds million centigrade degrees, and this require very strong magnetic fields to separate the plasma from the walls. The largest and more ambitious project in the world is ITER (Latin word for "the road"), and CECOM is actively contributing to the design of some of the parts.
Aeronautics and space
Leonardo Da Vinci was obsessed by the concept of flight, and only some centuries later mankind left the ground thanks to the Wright brothers. From late 1800, till now, a continuous development of the aeronautics and space sectors has become strategical for countries, leading to huge steps forward for the technology. The current severe requirements of aeronautics organizations in term of materials, precision and repeatability of processes have found an answer in CECOM Quality Management System and know how, even for improving existing design before the series production.
Proton therapy
Several decades have now passed since the idea of using proton beams as radiation therapy has been formulated in Harvard. Although, the technology has been moved forward by research for particle accelerators, and today the results of proton therapy in field of cancer treatment are more than encouraging. The way proton beams release energy into tissues is much more manageable by technicians, contrary to the x-rays. Indeed, for avoiding large damages on healthy tissues, the x-ray based therapy is often conducted with a lighter dose of radiation, whereas the proton beam allows to hit a region with almost no energy released outside of the target. CECOM provided the experience gained for the construction of accelerating lines to this field with real enthusiasm, because this involves future of people.
Civil and Military
We have many customers for a wide variety of produtcts for civil and military applications.
We like to mention some of the most representative: Leonardo Company and Bulgari.