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       Who we are  

CECOM was founded in 1964 in Rome by Cesare Ceracchi. Its growth was due to the prestigious collaborations with several organizations and companies, e.g. CERN, INFN, ENEA, several universities in Italy, and FINMECCANICA group, now become LEONARDO group. Excellence, precision, quality, flexibility and frontier technology have made CECOM a leader in high precision mechanics and UHV applications.

Since the beginning of 2000s CECOM improves its presence in the European Market for synchrotrons, Nuclear and proton therapy.


The Quality Policy is aimed at providing the company with all the tools suitable for business growth and customer satisfaction through a continuous improvement process.

CECOM staff is expert of designing, manufacturing and prototypes testing, series components and turnkey systems.


The equipment includes the most up-to-date machineries for any kind of manufacturing (3, 4 and 5 axis NC milling machines, NC lathes and EDM), TIG welding, UHV assembling and testing (two CMMs for dimensional inspection are available). The machineries employed can achieve a precision of up to 10 μm, roughness of up to 0.2 μm, on parts having dimensions up to [2600 × 900 × 900] mm.

For handling and assembling UHV components, CECOM has a class 1000 clean-room where also helium leak detection is performed.


As regards the complete UHV equipment, it consists in a bake-out facility, equipped for Residual Gas Analysis (RGA) and out-gassing rate measurements.


During last decade, CECOM developed a galvanic department for special components, obtained by means of thick deposition of Copper and Nickel, both qualified for nuclear and cryogenic applications.

Due to the high standards required by usual customers, CECOM uses to manage other technologies – such as explosion bonding, diffusion bonding, vacuum brazing, vacuum firing, Electron-beam welding, pressworking, galvanic treatments, laser and water cutting as a sub-furniture, involving the companies as partners and contributing to the optimization of the process. Furthermore, CECOM has also partners for the complete development of power electronic systems.

CECOM has an informatic system that relies on CAD/CAM softwares and management information. They allow to track and coordinate all production processes and to optimize working cycles, in order to find the best-performing solutions.

CECOM experiences for synchrotrons are: vacuum chambers (SS, Al, Copper), Beam Line and front end components, current leads, diagnostic elements, beam stoppers, mirror chambers, dipole magnets, Beam position monitors, RF couplers, RF Tuners, vacuum components (flanges, tee, cross).

CECOM experiences for proton therapy are: RF tuners, copper RF cavities (and measurements), Scintillating fiber hodoscope detector, Qualification profile&intensity monitor, Degrader detector, Pickup Headamplifier, Faraday cup detector, silt plate detector, pickup detector, Wire scanner detector, Round vacuum chamber, Racetrack chamber, vacuum chambers (also with a thickness of 0,3 mm), Beam stopper, BD Scraper, RF-waveguides and couplers.

CECOM experiences in nuclear application are: production of small ion sources, components for ITER beam source, extraction grids for JET and ITER sources (with the technique of copper deposition, and the cold-joining of heterogeneous joint SS/CU by copper deposition), production of Inconel components for cryogenic application, embedded sensor for the cryo-pump for ITER.


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