CECOM contributed to the JT60-SA advanced superconducting tokamak

Production of components with high safety standards for a clean energy

LOX-LCH4 regenerative rocket engine

CECOM contributed to the JT60-SA advanced superconducting tokamak

HYPROB-NEW, completata la camera di combustione rigenerativa DEMO-0A
...Ma a rendere questo risultato ancor più importante è stata la realizzazione della camera di combustione rigenerativa tramite una tecnica di elettrodeposizione a freddo di rame e nickel utilizzata per la prima volta in Italia grazie ad una cooperazione tra CIRA e CECOM.
DTT (Diverto Tokamak Test facilty) is one of the most ambitious technology project to develop Energy from Fusion, and will have a remarkable effect at European scale.
Big Science Business Forum 2018 will be the first one-stop-shop for European companies and other stakeholders to learn about Europe’s Big Science organisations’ future investments and procurements worth billions of euros.
A European consortium consisting of Thales, CECOM Srl, Galvano-T GmbH, and E.Zanon SpA has been responsible for the manufacturing of the equipment, which started almost four and a half years ago, for value of 10 million EUR approximately, which also includes the costs for the fabrication of the vacuum vessel and handling tool.